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Docker Mastery-The Complete Toolset From a Docker Captain 

Docker Mastery: The Complete Toolset From a Docker Captain
Build, compose, deploy, and manage Docker containers from development to DevOps based Swarm clusters
4.6 (22,470 ratings)
98,488 students enrolled
Created by Bret Fisher, Docker Captain Program


What you'll learn

  •     How to use Docker and Compose on your machine for better software building and testing.
  •     Learn Docker's official tools from an award-winning Docker Captain!
  •     Learn faster with included live chat group (15,000 members!) and weekly live Q&A.
  •     Skills to build advanced development environments with your code running in containers.
  •     Build a fancy multi-node Swarm cluster for production deployments!
  •     Hand's-on with best practices for making Docker files and Compose files like a Pro!
  •     Build and publish your own custom images.
  •     Create your own custom image registry to store your apps and deploy in corporate environments.

  •     No paid software required - Just install your favorite text editor and browser!
  •     Local admin access to install Docker for Mac/Windows/Linux.
  •     Understand terminal or command prompt basics.
  •     Linux basics like shells, SSH, and package managers. (tips included to help newcomers!)
  •     Know the basics of creating a server in the cloud (on any provider). (tips included to help newcomers!)
  •     Understand the basics of web and database servers. (how they typically communicate, IP's, ports, etc.)
  •     Have a GitHub and Docker Hub account.
Why should you learn from me? Why trust me to teach you the best ways to use Docker? (Hi, I'm Bret, please allow me to talk about myself for a sec):
  • I'm A Practitioner. Welcome to the real world: I've got 20 years of sysadmin and developer experience, over 30 certifications, and have been using Docker and the container ecosystem for my consulting clients and my own companies since Docker's early days. Learn from someone who's run hundreds of containers across dozens of projects and organizations.
  • I'm An Educator. Learn from someone who knows how to make a syllabus: I want to help you. People say I'm good at it. For the last few years I've trained thousands of people on using Docker in workshops, conferences and meetups. See me teach at events like DockerCon, O'Reilly Velocity, GOTO Conf, and Linux Open Source Summit. I hope you'll decide to learn with me, and join the fantastic online Docker community.
  • I Lead Communities. Also, I'm a Docker Captain, meaning that Docker Inc. thinks I know a thing or two about Docker and that I do well in sharing it with others. In the real-world: I help run two local meetups in our fabulous tech community in Norfolk/Virginia Beach USA. I help online: usually in Slack and Twitter, where I learn from and help others.

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